Monthly Archives: August 2016

Mapping Fiction

Mapping Fiction

Aroussiak Gabrielian “A city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time”  -Patrick Geddes Conducted in tandem with the development…

Mapping the Narratives of Hollenbeck Park

Mapping the Narratives of Hollenbeck Park

Josh Dawson This project aims to explore the possibility of using Google Earth as a medium for storytelling. Google Earth’s 3D space is built up of…

The Lucha Reyes Marionette Theater

The Lucha Reyes Marionette Theater

Brittney Collins and Madison Boutilier The Lucha Reyes Marionette Theater stop motion animation was created in conjunction with the Hopscotch opera as a culmination of…

Dry City: Turning Points

Dry City: Turning Points

What if your community was so progressive that it posed a threat to the government? What if you had to choose between your love and…



Water is being called the Blue Gold of the 21st century. Due to increasing urbanization and population, shifting climates and industrial pollution, fresh water is…
